Rating: 1-5 (5 is an excellent or a Starred review) 3
Format: Board book
What did you like about the book? Let’s Learn Letters will be a fun and engaging way to introduce the letters of the alphabet. Readers on each page are introduced to one or two letters. Each letter is accompanied by an animal or a thing that starts with the letter. The book provides excellent contrasting colors, which for infants and younger children is a great way to capture their attention to the pages. The images and words are very large and are easy to read.
Let’s Learn Numbers replicates this winning formula. This book is set up with a two-page layout for each number. On one side of the layout, there is a large number and on the other page, there is a corresponding image totaling the correlating number. On the bottom of the page, we can see a corresponding tracker that fills up on every page as readers count upwards. This is a great visual to help younger children visualize counting to ten. Similar to Letters, the images are all digitized, cartoon drawings, here of various marine animals.
Anything you didn’t like about it? No
To whom would you recommend this book? Perfect for young readers learning their alphabet and numbers! Any children from age 2 years old to about 4 years old.
Who should buy this book? Daycares and early learning centers
Where would you shelve it? Board books
Should we (librarians/readers) put this on the top of our “to read” piles? No
Reviewer’s Name, Library (or school), City and State: Rose Metayer, Boston Latin School, Boston MA