Discover some awesome animals and learn about where they live in this in-depth title featuring animals from the land, sky, and sea. Readers will take a trip around the world to discover unique and interesting facts about animals from the depths of rain forest, the icy polar regions, the dry desert, underground tunnels, and even endangered and extinct animals.
About the Do You Know About series: The Do You Know About series is a nonfiction educational series that covers a variety of disciplines including science, technology, history, and more. Each book uses informative text, bright photographs, and clear diagrams to discuss and explain the topic at hand. A special “do you know about…” feature is included throughout the text offering interesting facts and defining key words. Additional back matter includes a glossary of key terms and an index, resulting in a well-rounded reading experience that introduces young readers to the concept of research and encourages them to study and explore further.
Hannah Lippard is currently a student, but she is also a writer, editor, musician, and actor. She has authored a number of nonfiction titles and edited countless works in her career so far. Beyond her talents as a writer, she is an avid reader and enjoys reading comic books and stories that feature voices that are too often overlooked. Hannah hopes to continue writing engaging and educational nonfiction books for kids as she completes her advanced degree.