What happened to the frog's car? It was TOAD!
Enjoy a selection of funny jokes about things that go for funny little kids
who love to make everyone laugh! Read the joke and then flip the book upside
down for the rib-tickling punchline!
From a very young age, Zach Matheson has loved to entertain and share laughter with family and friends. While he has yet to decide if he will pursue a career in comedy over his notable dance prowess, he is certain that comedy will always be a talent he shares. Telling a good joke not only creates a moment of mirth, it also gives Zach's audience something they can take away to share with others, passing on a little laughter. He is thrilled to share this collection of his favorite jokes for young audiences in the hope they will be told and retold because every time he tells them they are Flip & Funny!
Mark Kummer is a professional illustrator living in New Jersey. He has worked in many areas of illustration and art, but always finds himself drawn back to children's books. Mark also makes appearances at schools and libraries, sharing his books and drawings with children. His favorite judges are his niece and nephew, Kara and Mitch.
Review text
"This book of jokes will have your kids rolling on the floor laughing, and retelling the corny jokes to their friends, thinking they are so hilariously clever!... This book is adorable from start to finish. These are exactly the type of jokes that my nieces, who are 5 and 7, would like to tell to their friends."
—Luminous Librio, Blog