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Marco Furlotti (Illustrator) See More (5)
Joe Fitzpatrick (Author) See More (11)

USD $16.99
CAD $21.99
Flowerpot Press
8.75 X 11.25 in
32 pg

P - 2 (US school grade range)

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Bedtime has never been so quiet. This beautiful bedtime picture book  will quickly become favorite for naptime, bedtime, and cuddle up and read time. Remember to snuggle up close… because you whisper when you read this book.

Joe Fitzpatrick Marco Furlotti
Author Bio

Marco Furlotti is an author and illustrator of children’s books and has worked on a number of titles in a variety of languages. He lives with his family on the Appennino Emiliano, near Parma, Italy and has worked with many publishers across Europe and the United States. 

Joe Fitzpatrick loves stories! He loves to hear them, see them, live them, think them up in his head, tell them to others, and (occasionally) write them down. When he writes them down and other people see them, read them, share them, tell them to others, twist them around and make them their own, it makes him happy. So he hopes you enjoy his stories, and he hopes you share them with others, because stories are more fun when they're shared!